The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: AHK24

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Χρυσός Σκούφος Toques d'Or (Golden Chef's Cap awards)

Βραβείο Ελληνικής Κουζίνας Greek Cuisine awards

Cyclades - Ios - Chora

Hotel «Liostasi Hotel & Suites»
Phone : 2286092140 - 92680

Price : € 50 - € 70
Open period : June-September, daily, noon-evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

15 / 20

A mega beach bar-restaurant on the beach of Koumbara, two and a half kilometers from the port of Ios. Down to the beach, the facilities are impressive and particularly elegant, while the upper part, where the restaurant is found, features a large covered veranda. Olive tree trunks serve as a foot for the tables; the chairs are artily dressed with sand tiles; a sizeable upturned caique is the DJ’s post; and old olive tree trunks are placed in the surrounding area as sculptures. Modern Greek cuisine by Chef Ghikas Xenakis. Top-shelf ingredients are turned into light dishes. Modern comfort food, with most dishes focusing on fish and seafood.

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