- Alpha Guide
- Dodekanissa
- Rhodes
- Five Senses
Modern cuisine
Dodekanissa - Rhodes - Lindos
Hotel «Lindos Blue»
: 22440/32110
: € 50 - € 75
Open period
: May-end of October, daily, evening
Alpha Guide's evaluation
14 / 20
Romantic corners in the hall and a terrace with atmospheric lighting and breathtaking sea views. In the front part, there is a specially designed area with sofas, where you can enjoy a drink or cocktail. The young chef Manolis Platellas offers dishes that live up to the expectations of the hotel’s high-profile international clientele, with a menu that blends modern Mediterranean cuisine with strong Asian influences and the creative local cuisine of Rhodes. The patissier Lazaros Hadjisavvas creates very interested, minimalist and light desserts.
Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy