The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Salonica Restaurant & Bar
Ref: VDX24

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Χρυσός Σκούφος Toques d'Or (Golden Chef's Cap awards)

Βραβείο Ελληνικής Κουζίνας Greek Cuisine awards

Macedonia - Thessaloniki - Faliro

Makedonia Palace Hotel
Phone : 2310897197

Price : € 45 - € 80
Open period : All year,daily,noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

15 / 20

The restaurant of the refurbished “Makedonia Palace” Hotel affords panoramic views from its windows, sports a cozy, designer decor, and has become a benchmark for Thessaloniki. With the award-winning chef Sotiris Evagelou at the helm, Modern Greek specialties take center stage in an elegant neoclassical style. The dishes that standout among them are: the veal cheeks with orzo pasta and mushrooms, the grouper with egg-lemon sauce, and the octopus with sour cherries and sour cream. Greek Cuisine Award 2018.

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