The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: NKF24

Modern cuisine

Dodekanissa - Kos - Lampi

Hotel «Aqua Blu Boutique Hotel & Spa»
Phone : 22420/22440

Price : € 100 - € 120
Open period : Mid April-end of October, evening.

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14,5 / 20

The luxury of the design-conscious restaurant and its contemporary international cuisine make it one of the best restaurants in the Aegean. This year, Pavlos Kyriakis (Toque d’Or) creates the menu, and Chef Yiorgos Kostis (Michelin star in Germany) executes it, and they both aim high. Top dishes: veal ribs confit with onion puree, carob honey, and a delicate consomme; duck with blackberries, caramelized figs and Japanese hijiki seaweed; pork with smoked onion, pea’s fricassee and pork broth with peas and mint; coconut and curry ice cream.

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