The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Bubo Fine Dinning Restaurant
Ref: NKK24

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Χρυσός Σκούφος Toques d'Or (Golden Chef's Cap awards)

Βραβείο Ελληνικής Κουζίνας Greek Cuisine awards

Macedonia - Chalkidiki - Vourvourou

Phone : 23750/91000

Price : € 45 - € 60
Open period : April to October (noon & evening)

Alpha Guide's evaluation

15 / 20

In the stylish all-day restaurant of the hotel, Chef Dimitris Pamporis offers a modern cuisine that draws inspiration mainly from the Greek tradition and that of Chalkidiki, in particular. Greek Cuisine Award 2018.Try the cod and the Greek salad.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy