The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Lycabettus Restaurant
Ref: VDA23

Modern cuisine

Χρυσός Σκούφος Toques d'Or (Golden Chef's Cap awards)

Cyclades - Santorini - Oia
Hotel «Andronis Luxury Suites»

Phone : 22860/72041

Price : € 155 - € 190
Open period : April - October, evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

15 / 20

Top-to-toe renovation for the restaurant on the Daios Cove Hotel’s rooftop. The dining room’s contemporary colonial aura is harmoniously combined with the cuisine, which is supervised by Alain Ducasse's team. The menu is a refined modern proposal, without missing some Greek references.
Try the baby stuffed vegetables with quinoa, feta, and spicy tomato sauce; the beef fillet with artichoke and truffle juice.

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