The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: DAF24

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Βραβείο Ελληνικής Κουζίνας Greek Cuisine awards

Διάκριση top Notch Top Notch Award

Peloponnese - Pylos - Pylos

Hotel Costa Navarino
Phone : 2723097165

Price : € 65 - € 85
Open period : From June to September (19:00-23:00)

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14,5 / 20

The ingenious, award-winning Chef Chrysanthos Karamolegos puts his stamp on this unique dining area at the “Costa Navarino.” In the small courtyard that is surrounded by greenery and pergolas, using premium raw materials, many of which come from land belonging to the hotel complex, the chef offers dishes that reveal a strong Greek identity, even though they sometimes “nod” to the international scene. Greek Cuisine Award 2018.

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