The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Drosia (Vasilis)


Cyclades - Tinos - Ktikados

Phone : 22830/21087, 22830/21070, 6937236722

Price : € 20 - € 25
Open period : Easter-October, daily, noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

13,5 / 20

A traditional taverna with a lush yard that gazes out over the Aegean Sea. It serves tasty dishes made with local products. Fresh artichokes (when in season) either “a la polita” or in a fantastic omelet or pie; delicious rabbit stew; fluffy meatballs that justify their fame; squab (on request) and cod with potato and garlic dip. For the finale, the house treats you to some delicious melon.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy