The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ovac Mykonos
Ref: NKK24

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Cyclades - Mykonos - Chora

Hotel «Cavo Tagoo»
Phone : 2289020200

Price : € 85 - € 185
Open period : June-Oct., dinner

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14,5 / 20

In this restaurant next to the hotel’s swimming pool, the talented Chef Chronis Damalas presents a gastronomic concept that borrows elements from “Ovac” restaurant in the sister “Cavo Tagoo” hotel in Santorini; this means a unique Asia-Greece fusion enriched with sushi, whole fish grilled in a robata, dry-aged meat and vegetables roasted in a wood-burning oven. The restaurant has not been rated by AlphaGuide yet.

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