The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Matsuhisa Mykonos
Ref: IPK24

Japanese cuisine

Διάκριση top Notch Top Notch Award

Cyclades - Mykonos - Chora

Rohari («Belvedere» hotel)
Phone : 22890/25122

Price : € 60 - € 260
Open period : 20 May-10 Oct., daily, 19:30-01:00

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14,5 / 20

Elegance and a cosmopolitan ambiance are the elements setting apart this restaurant, which is a destination of foodies who visit Mykonos from Greece and from all over the world. The new-style dishes, with Japanese bases and Latin American influences, are creative and are distinguished by a depth of flavors and precision in the finish.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy