The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece


Classic greek cuisine

Epiros - Metsovo - Metsovo

Hotel "Galaksias"
Phone : 2656041202

Price : € 18 - € 25
Open period : All year, daily, noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

13,5 / 20

A popular traditional taverna in rustic style, on the ground floor of traditional guesthouse "Galaxias". In the summer, the tables are set in a beautiful, large terrace or in the square, under the plane trees. In winter, you will eat around the fireplace. The menu focuses on local dishes, such as the delectable pies and the cheeses of Metsovo. Excellent quality meats and super fried potatoes from local producers. You will finish your lunch or dinner with handmade traditional sweets. Surprisingly professional service. In wintertime, game is also served.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy