The best restaurants and tavernas in Greece

Ref: VDX23

Contemporary Greek Cuisine

Βραβείο Ελληνικής Κουζίνας Greek Cuisine awards

Athens - Athens - South - Glyfada
2 Grigoriou Labraki str., Asteria Glyfada

Phone : 210/8948882

Price : € 45 - € 75
Open period : All year, daily, from noon to evening

Alpha Guide's evaluation

14,5 / 20

Primely located in the Athenian Riviera, the “Ark,” under the supervision of Yiannis Baxevanis, proposes a cuisine that emphasizes the scent of the sea, and also makes the aura of Crete felt. The top-shelf ingredients are handled by expert hands, and the result reflects Baxevanis’ original modern look into Greek cuisine. Greek Cuisine Award 2018.

Alpha Guide's evaluating philosophy